Tools Engineer

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What does a tools engineer do?

Tools engineers make the life of games designers, artists and programmers easier by giving them the best tools for the job.  Some of the time the tools (software programs) used by games developers are bought off-the-shelf but it’s also necessary to have purpose-built software designed specifically for the creation of a particular game. Tools engineers are responsible for creating and maintaining those tools whether they be for the game engine itself or the 3D art suite.

They also work with programmers, artists and designers to figure out what tools to build, explain how they should be used and monitor their effectiveness.

What is a tools engineer good at?

  • Communication: work with team members to identify their requirements, teach them how to use the new tools, create detailed documentation and submit reports explaining what they have done
  • Programming or software engineering: write strong code that’s adaptable and easily understood by fellow coders
  • Knowledge of games engines and platforms: understand the programming constraints of games consoles, PCs, handhelds and mobiles
  • Innovation: imagine ways of solving the problems experienced by team members
  • Time management: stick to a strict schedule in the game’s development

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