Calculating holiday pay for hourly paid staff doesn’t have to be complicated. With the help of this free holiday pay calculator, you can accurately calculate the correct amount of holiday pay owed to your hourly staff in a breeze.
Our spreadsheet is designed to make calculating holiday pay for hourly employees in the UK easy and efficient. Here's how it works:
1. Download and Use
By default, the free holiday pay calculator for hourly employees is read-only. That way, you can use the spreadsheet as a template for future calculations, saving you time and effort in the long run.

2. Input Employee Information
To use our spreadsheet, you must input basic employee information, including their name and the number of hours taken off. This information will be used to calculate their holiday pay compensation.

3. Input hours worked for the past 52 weeks
To calculate holiday pay for hourly paid employees, you’ll need to input the information by your employee over the last 52 weeks. The reference period must include the last 52 weeks they earned, excluding any weeks without work. This may mean the actual reference period considers pay data from further back than 52 weeks from their leave date. However, it should go back at most 104 weeks; if this gives fewer than 52 weeks to take into account, then the reference period is shortened to that lower number of weeks. For further guidance, refer to HMRC's website. Once you’ve input all the information, the calculator will provide the total compensation of holiday pay that needs to be processed for your staff.

Using our free holiday pay calculator spreadsheet is an easy way to ensure you're paying your hourly employees correctly and complying with UK law.
So why wait? Download our free holiday pay calculator spreadsheet today and start using it to simplify your payroll process. Click here to access the spreadsheet: